Contact Me
Apart from folding and creating origami models for personal enjoyment, I use origami in many ways:
- Take part in exhibitions & demonstrations at public events and craft shows
- Run entertaining & fun classes & workshops for children & adults
- Create & fold to order for media and advertising purposes
- Make special gifts, greetings cards & commissions
You can contact me on:
Tel: 0117 9446106
Mobile: 07766 761251
Local Origami Meetings

Before the Covid pandemic, I hosted informal monthly or bi-monthly meetings of paper-folding enthusiasts from the Bristol & West of England area, usually on a Saturday afternoon. These are now held online via Zoom! If you’d like an invitation to join us, please contact me and I can send you a Zoom link and joining info.
At these get-togethers we fold new and favourite designs, sometimes along a theme e.g. Christmas, Valentines Day etc, and chat and exchange news, books, and generally enjoy the sharing of origami amongst friends.